I for one have never really believed most of the sexual harassment claims being hurled towards Herman Cain, for if there were any validity to them, then why wait so many years later (during his campaign) to speak out? Ridiculous.
However, this man's stupidity is clearly undeniable. Of course, his 9-9-9 plan was pure trash, but when recently asked about President Obama's handling of the Libyan situation in a televised interview...this fool knew NOTHING. He couldn't even get a complete thought together. He had no idea about the facts, and soon he just shut down...answering the poor interviewer with naught but silence.
Seriously Republicans? This is the man that you guys were in love with a few weeks ago? His moronish display was not only worse than the sexual harassment allegations (although the man does give off perv vibes), but it really made the GOP look nice and stupid. Now they've jumped on the Newt Ginrich bandwagon...knowing full well that his humiliation of their party is just a matter of time.
Face it don't have an answer for Obama in 2012. Your whole crop of candidates are laughable at best, but Herman Cain was the nail in the proverbial coffin.
Better luck in 2016 guys!
The truth hurts...
Couldn't agree more! The thing that makes me most angry is that the republicans claim to be patriots but would make a mockery of the office of the presidency by even considering Cain a viable candidate.